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man laying hexagon tiles on the floor

Finding the right tiles is one of the most difficult tasks. Renovating your house may be a something that you’ve been dreaming about and have plans for. Amongst the plethora of choices available to you, you might have several second-thoughts. Try finding a tile store that will carry tiles of the style you want. Keep in mind that in case of bulk purchases you may even get reasonable discounts. Purchase tiles that make tile installation easy and won’t easily break. There are many things that could go wrong in your quest to find the right floor or wall tiles.

Decide on a budget and plan accordingly


You need to start with creating a budget. If you overspend on buying tiles there’d be insufficient capital left for tile installation. Plan your budget and decide on what you can afford and then plan the look of your house accordingly. You can also go to the tile store and ask them for advice they’ll surely help you out.

Get proper research done

Proper research is needed for selecting tiles for your house. If you want to give your kitchen a modern or vintage look, look for the tiles that can provide that. Visit a tile store and ask them to show you the various options that they have. Discuss the style that you’re going for with them. Compare different stores and styles select the one that you like the best.

Here is a list of mistakes you should avoid making while selecting tiles for your dream house.

Don’t go overboard with trends

Some people like to keep themselves up to date when it comes to trends. There’s no harm in trying out new designs and patterns but don’t get something you’ll not like after a few days. Choose something that is durable and looks good. Certain designs never look outdated.

Don’t budge from the primary design

A lot of patterns together don’t usually have an aesthetic result when put together. It is best that you decide on one or two patterns that look good together and stick to that. You can also choose colour contrasting tiles to create the perfect look for your house.


Most often, homeowners prefer staying in a house with the same age-old flooring patterns. With changing times, try to do something out of the ordinary. Try out tiles with different combination of colours, shapes, sizes and patterns. Choose something out of the fascinating new. Choose a store which has the best client reviews and check out their designs.

Don’t make rash decisions

When you’re putting in so much effort towards something, don’t let it all go to waste by choosing rashly. Be patient, go through different designs, visit stores, discuss the style that you want with others, get their perspective on it. Take some time to choose and the investment you’ll make will be worth it.

The kitchen size matters

Tiles that are bigger in size and of a lighter shade tend to make the any room look larger and more airy. The kitchen is an integral part of your house. It says a lot about your culture and lifestyle. Determine the size of your kitchen before you choose tiles for it. A kitchen deserves to look fresh, airy and huge in size. It is where families bond the most.

Learn about the aftercare procedures

Cleaning is important. If you choose to make such an expensive investment on tiles, you need to know how to maintain it so that it lasts longer. Kitchen tiles can be exposed to water stains, dirt, smoke, et cetera. If the tiles are light-coloured you need to take extra good care of them. Dirt accumulates in the tiles overtime, so make sure to choose the colour of the tiles wisely.

Tiles have a sense of aura in them. They’re easy-maintenance, hygienic and long lasting. They’re not that heavy on the pocket either and can be used as long-lasting floor coverings as well. Take your time and choose wisely!

Flesher Marble & Tile is a tile store that you can rely on. We’ve been in the business for more than a century and you can expect top-notch services from us. We believe in absolute client satisfaction which helps us maintain a long-lasting relationship with them. We even do tile installations for residencies. Contact us today to know more about what we have to offer!



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